Hot Mess



It started like a normal day, for 20 peaceful minutes anyway.  I heard my husband rummaging through the refrigerator saying something about nothing to pack for lunch. He’s not looking in the right place, I thought. I just bought groceries yester…. ughhh, and my heart sank. Suddenly, I realized what I had done. I bought the groceries. I brought them home in the van. Then I completely forgot to unload them. I grabbed my phone and checked the outside temps through the night as tears began to well up in my eyes. Way too warm for parishable food! All of it, the meat, cheese, milk was now going out with the garbage. “I’m such a mess!”, I said aloud. Then the record of mess started to play through my head, “the laundry is piled up, no one can even find matching socks to wear, we’re going to be late for school…AGAIN, my husband will be starving all day, did I remember to pay that bill? I’m failing at everything!!! In addition, knowing I had to re-purchase the groceries reminded me of the biggest mess this month. A small oversite on my husband’s business acccount shorted us $1,400 this month. Ouch!, right?!

I needed my War Room and I needed it now! My War Room is nothing more than 2 oversized throw pillows on the floor of my closet but it’s where I do battle. It’s where I give up the lies the enemy tries to tell me and let God fight for me. It’s where I sit in silence so HIS truth can flood my soul! I practically ran, closed the door quietly and thanked God the kids were still alseep. There in my safe place as the tears flowed, He reminded me I’m never a mess to Him.  In fact, He sees me radiant, dazzling, confident and fully capable and equipped for every good work He intends for me to do. I resolved there were two options for the day. One was to let the mess overwhelm me, turn on a sad movie and do nothing but wallow in self-pity. Or two, share my mess.

Why share? Because the enemy doesn’t like it when we share our mess. He doesn’t like it when we encourage and build each other up. He wants us to stay silently trapped in the steady diet of lies he feeds us daily. When we share, we open ourselves up for healing, breakthrough and truth. We open a door for God, through his people, to pour words of hope, love and light into our spirit. By simply realizing we’re not alone in the stuggles life brings, we find strength to carry on! So I choose to share. Here.

If you want to share your mess, I’m here. I will listen, I will love, I will not judge.  You and I, my friend, are made for so much more! Let that truth clean your mess today.

Hebrews 3:21, Ephesians 2:10, Psalm 34:5, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, John 8:44

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